Dr. Ras is a DVNC Courses Made For You Educational Partner

Dr. Rastafa Geddes

MS, PhD, Founder, Consultant

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Rastafa Geddes, M.Sci., Ph.D., (or Dr. Ras, Really a Scientist) is a pioneering Neuro-Trauma Research Scientist and the visionary CEO/Founder of Geddes Neural Network (GNN).

Dr. Rastafa Geddes, is a dedicated advocate for innovation and learning, actively promotes the integration of neuroscience within STREAM disciplines. His leadership in Geddes Neural Network highlights his commitment. Dr. Ras is renowned for helping pioneer launches and networks in healthcare research and educational methodologies, fostering a culture of curiosity and discovery.

Dr. Ras's Latest Projects

Dr. Ras runs various projects that assist youth and young adult talent in exploring STREAM topics (science technology, research, engineering, art, mathematics) while also supporting professionals in healthcare and educational networking.

My Brain & Me Curriculum

An immersive 30-day journey integrating neurology with STREAM concepts, designed to inspire young minds and expose them to the marvels of neurology. Learn more.

Real Authentic Styles

Combining the intersection of neuroscience with everyday life, by bringing understanding of brain health through relatable, real-world applications.

Geddes Neural Network

A global networking initiative advancing TBI awareness, neuroscience therapeutics, and VR/AR-enabled biomedical education, all for positive change.

Dr. RAS's Achievements

Dr. Ras’s illustrious career is marked by significant achievements, including 16 years of higher education, 8 years of postdoctoral training in neurodegenerative diseases, and impactful contributions to various peer-reviewed journals. As a S.T.R.E.A.M. educator and traumatic brain injury awareness activist, Dr. Geddes’s dedication to education and research has transformed lives and continues to inspire future generations.

Dr. RAS's (Really-A-Scientist's) My Brain & Me Educational Program

Dr. Ras runs various projects that assist youth and young adult talent in exploring STREAM topics (science technology, research, engineering, art, mathematics) while also supporting professionals in healthcare and educational networking.

Dr. RAS Loves IMpactful Educational Events

Dr. Ras holds a passionate belief in the power of education to drive social change, particularly within the realms of healthcare, neurology, and STREAM. He cherishes organizing and participating in educational events that not only spread knowledge but also encourage community engagement and collaborative problem-solving. Through these platforms, he aims to make science accessible and exciting, thereby cultivating a generation of informed and empathetic individuals ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

Dr. RAS's (Really-A-Scientist's) My Brain & Me Educational Program

A Step-by-Step Program for Cultivating a Healthy Brain

“My Brain & Me”, is an enthralling journey designed for elementary and middle schoolers interested in neuroscience, or the science of nervous systems (like the brain, spinal cord, and sensory systems). This immersive program awakens young minds to the magic within their own heads, transforming complex science into a captivating adventure of discovery, connection, and self-empowerment.

Step 1: Intro to the Wonders of the Brain
We'll plunge together into the wondrous world of neuroscience. This isn't just about the dry facts, this is about YOU and your brain! You'll be able to create your very own Brain Hat, as you uncover riveting facts about the organ that makes you, well, YOU!.
Step 2: Sensory Saga: Exploring Visual and Olfactory Experiences
Next, you'll uncover the synergy between your brain, eyes, and olfactory pathway. You'll "Draw Your Visual Pathway", find your own blind spot, and learn how your brain interprets smell with a Scent Test.
Step 3: A Symphony of Tastes and Touches
We'll savor the flavor of knowledge, as we explore the gustatory pathway and the enigma of taste. You'll perform a Taste Test and then venture into the land of touch, the somatosensory pathway with an interactive Touch Test!
Step 4: Becoming Guardians of the Brain and Living the Adventure!
In the final saga, we'll review the sensory pathways and introduce a crucial topic - Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). You'll learn how to protect your most valuable asset - your brain - and get a glimpse into the day of a neuroscientist. We'll end by visiting a local pre-clinical lab or pediatric hospital to apply your newfound knowledge.

WOrk with Dr. Ras

Get in touch with Dr. Ras to Grow Your Network or Educational Initiative

Dr. Ras is always excited to meet likeminded individuals that are aligned with neurological, healthcare, and educational outcomes to bridge gaps in diversity, inclusivity, community, and empathy.

DVNC & Dr.Ras's CMFY Partnership

Dr. Ras and DVNC have partnered together to help bridge systemic gaps affecting healthcare like unequal access, affecting education like lack of diversely aligned materials for future neurologists, and affecting the economy like lack of awareness of financial benefits through premium healthcare knowledge.

© 2024 Dr. Ras & DVNC Tech LLC. All Rights Reserved

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